Saturday, December 10, 2011

Google docs??????????????

I'm not sure how to use google docs.

My friends said lets divide parts in powerpoint. We said "Lets make Peter do slide 1 and 2" "Let Tom do slide 3 and 4" and let me to slide 5 and 6. I got everyones email, and I'm not sure how to make everything into one slide using google docs. We're trying to gather up slide 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into one powerpoint using google docs????

I'm not sure how it works....

Please tell me step by step.


If you aren't already signed up for it, sign up.

log in.

2) Create document -%26gt; powerpoint.

OR if someone else creates it, they'd have to give you access to see it.

OR if you create it, you can give them permission to see it.

6 minutes of your time, watch the tutorial on Google Docs below.|||Create New Presentation is what you're looking for. Top left corner, "Create New." Works like Powerpoints.

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