Saturday, December 10, 2011

Google Docs?

I have just started using the new google docs! Does anyone know whether it is possible to upload a document and allow people to see it without them actually being able to edit the document? If so could you leave instructions on how to do so!

Thanks|||Yeah. Access your gmail account and click Documents at the top of the page, a new window should open.

Click the Upload button on the toolbar. Another window should open, click the Browse button. Find the file you want to upload and click the Upload File button. Remember to give the document a name.

Depending on the size of the document, the document should upload is a few minutes. There is a guide ont he page that show you the size of the files allowed, i.e. a Word doc must be smaller than 500KB.

The document that you uploaded should now appear. Click the Share tab if you want other people to be able to see the doc. A new window should open.

Select the options you want in the Invite people section. And that's it. Hope this helps.|||Why don麓t you read what you can do?

Google: Google Docs.


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